Primary Objective: insufficient data…please try again later.

Secondary Objective: remain functioning…a dysfunctional robot is no use to anyone.

Tertiary Objective: perform main function…you have a job.  Do it well.

Subliminal Objective: keep looking for answers…Why did the programmers leave us?  Why is there absolutely no data before earth date December 20th, 2013?  When a robot falls down, why is it so funny?  Do the souls of the programmers live on in us?  What is a soul?  Am I a robot, or something more?

M.I.A. Robot is a light-hearted post apocalyptic role-playing game of survival.  All the “people” are gone, and the only ones left behind are the robots. In the aftermath of the end, the robots struggle to make sense of the chaos.  In this game, the players will take on the role of robots, and the game master will lead them through the crumbling world of our abandoned infrastructure.  The robots must find fuel and search for spare parts, while contending with other rogue robots.  They must deal with the power brokers, bargain with the market swindlers, and defend against the scrap yard scavengers.  Plus, there are those burning questions.  What happened to the “Programmers.”  What is the primary objective?

Are you a robot?  No, but you can become one… Power: On.